For Such A Time As This – Father’s day service – Simon Lerefolo

For Such A Time As This – Panel discussion lead by Mzamo Moloi

For Such A Time As This – Panel discussion lead by Amrei Botha

For Such A Time As This – Positions & Appointment by God – Lereko Tsoloane

For Such A Time As This – Plot Twist – God’s Will Prevails Simon Lerefolo

Love Is Our Life Purpose – Using your Position of Influence – Greg Peek

Love is Our Lifes Purpose – Dr Greg Mitchell

For Such A Time As This – Calling and Purpose – Greg Peek

For Such A Time As This – Devoted Daniel Brett Fuller

For Such A Time As This – Using Your Voice – Simon Lerefolo

For Such A Time As This – Dealing with Corruption – CJ Sainsbury

For Such A Time As This – Dealing with Corruption – Chantal Ratcliffe

For Such A Time As This – The Role of the Church & State – Quinton Pretorius & Seth Naicker