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Since 1994, Every Nation churches have answered the call to bring the Gospel to campuses and cities around the world. We plant churches that reach the campus because we firmly believe that if we change the campus, we will eventually change the family, the nation, and the world.

Ten Days is the name of our short-term mission trips (although they are not always 10 days long). Consider joining one of the missions this year. Mission trips are powerful experiences that will change your life, your church and the world.


Lisbon, Portugal

24 October – 3 November 


Sign up through the ENR app or contact CJ for more information at cjs@enjhb.org


Other upcoming trips: 

East London, South Africa

31 May – 11 June


Date to be confirmed


Should you not be able to join one of these trips, please commit be part of the team praying for the trip or giving towards the trip.



October 24
November 3
Event Category:

Bank Account Name: Every Nation Church Events

Bank: Nedbank Limited

Branch code: 198 765

Account Number: 1180 122 577