Grow Courses
June 6, 2018 @ 6:45 pm - 9:00 pm
Grow season is upon us and we see this as a time for equipping and helping believers grow in their walk with God and one another. Join one of the following courses and allow the Lord to bring exponential growth in your life!
Cost for each course per person is R120.
Starting Strong
This is a course for all expecting parents and parents with babies under 1 year. Registration link:
Equip Training
This training will go through key tools to equip you for spiritual growth. It will address internal mindsets and external habits that will lead you closer to God and grow you to a new level of faith. Registration link:
Connecting With your Child
The God Pursuit
Join us as we journey together through the pages of the Bible, exploring the biblical wonders of what it means to worship, the power of music and sound in our everyday lives and the study of culture as it applies to worship.. Registration link:
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