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This Sunday we have a special guest but certainly not new to our family: Paul Manwaring.

Paul is a pastor and a member of the Senior Management Team at Bethel Church, oversees Global Legacy, an apostolic network of revival leaders.   Paul carries the gift of administration/government and releases that power and wisdom through his Supernatural Strategic Planning Workshops, his itinerant ministry and his teaching at BSSM.  His passion is to see the Bride prepared, glorious sons and daughters reveals, cancer destroyed, and cities transformed as the government of Heaven is established on earth. After a career in senior prison management in England, Paul came to Bethel in 2001. He holds a master’s degree in Management from Cambridge University and is a Registered General and Psychiatric Nurse. Paul spent 19 years in senior prison management in England, is a Registered General and Psychiatric Nurse, and holds an Mst in Management from Cambridge University. He travels all over the world preaching and teaching on leadership, medical healing, leadership training and strategic planning, schools of ministry, destiny discovery workshops and schools, marketplace ministry teaching.

Paul is married and has two sons , a daughter in law and two grandsons – his favourite companions, his greatest encouragers and his constant joy. He will be teaching in all 4 services, join us!


October 14, 2018
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