The Crisis Response Team (CRT) is a team of volunteers that will respond to a variety of crises in our city or beyond to extend a loving hand when needed the most. This might take the form of emergency care packs, food, medical or counselling. Our team is on standby 24/7. If you would like to be a part of the team or know of an emergency situation our team needs to be aware of please contact:

See list of supplies: Basic items for distribution, Usefull items for distribution

If you know of anyone in absolute dire need of assistance, we will need to ascertain if there is a connect group nearby that will be able to assist them. If connect groups, for whatever reason, cannot assist those individuals we will then look at how we can deploy the CRT.

Bank Account Name: Crisis Relief Team

Bank: Nedbank Limited

Account Number: 1977 083 838

Branch Code: 197 705