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Gain spiritual freedom in all areas of your life

This course is a hybrid of online and in-person. The online aspect happens during the week in your facilitation groups, while the in-person training happens on Friday evening and Saturday morning.

Topics covered in this course include:

  • Relational dysfunction
  • Sexual sin
  • Generational curses
  • Identity, and more.

23 – 26 September: Online

Friday 27 September: 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Saturday 28 September: 9 am – 2 pm

Conference Room and Encounter Room
R100 p/p

Register here:
Victory Training for Men
Victory Training for Women


September 23
September 28
Event Category:

Bank Account Name: Every Nation Church Events

Bank: Nedbank Limited

Branch code: 198 765

Account Number: 1180 122 577