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Grow season is upon us and we see this as a time for equipping and helping believers grow in their walk with God and one another.  Join one of the following courses and allow the Lord to bring exponential growth in your life!

Cost for each course per person is R120.

Equip Training

This training will go through key tools to equip you for spiritual growth. It will address internal mindsets and external habits that will lead you closer to God and grow you to a new level of faith.  Registration link: https://events.godochurch.com/?webCode=1003017

Become A Bridge Builder 

This course will equip us as Christ followers on how to live in a multicultural society. Registration link: https://events.godochurch.com/?webCode=1003018


This course has been developed by Regent College’s Marketplace Institute and begins with the conviction that the story of Scripture is relevant to all of life: our jobs, our responsibilities, our relationships, and our world. Connecting faith and life: Enter into the big story of Scripture and explore how the Gospel reframes all of life. Registration link: https://events.godochurch.com/?webCode=1003016

Unshaken: Passion & Purpose

This course will help you stand unshaken so that you can step into the fullness of who God has called you to be. Registration link:https://events.godochurch.com/?webCode=1003019

For more information contact thobis@enjhb.org


October 17, 2018
6:45 pm - 9:00 pm
Event Category:

Bank Account Name: Every Nation Church Events

Bank: Nedbank Limited

Branch code: 198 765

Account Number: 1180 122 577